Games with Friends Apps, what do you have
Contributor - Level 1

Unfortunately I think I've came across all the ones I can think of.  But heres my list and I'm wondering if anyone can keep adding to these...thanks

What games do you have installed that perhaps others can try out too.

Myself I like the kind of games that you can play against a friend on your mobile device in which you take a turn when convenient and they take a turn when convenient.

In no  particular order:

Dice with Buddies: Its basically like Yahtzee

Songpop: Connect via Facebook or email.  Song clips are played, a list of 4 artists/songs to guess

Words with Friends: Its like Scrabble

Phrases with Friends: Its like Wheel of Fortune; certain phrases appear on the board with Categories (Bad Movies, Idioms, Common Actions, Geography, etc).  You spin the wheel and it lands on $$$, guess a letter it calculates, you can buy vowels.  End of 3-4 rounds you earn x amount of coins. Those coins can be used to purchase more categories

Hanging with Friends: Its like Hangman. You use your Scrabble tiles to create a word, send it to your opponent; your opponent then guesses letters.  After x amount of strikes if you fail you lose a balloon (Hanging)...if you're really good at it, you can play 1 game for over a dozen times if you guess each others words correctly.  Your words you create earns you pts, once you reach 200pts you earn 20gold coins which can be used to buy Landscapes, Balloon Stuff, Avatars, etc

Draw Something (Free): LIst of 3 words appear, choose what you want to draw.  Opponent guesses what your drawing is.

Word Pirates: Its like Scrabble and its like Upwords.  You create a word on tiles/board. Opponent can use same word but different letter to create new word.  But also whats great is that you can place bombs in spots where you think your opponent is gonna play next.  If the opponent hits a bomb the (opponent) player loses some pts off the word he/she creates.

Family Feud/Friends: I was wrong on this one but after a couple days I figured it out.  In the free game you can spin a wheel to earn coins, its 2 coins per game, computer chooses random opponent to play against.  Question is given, you have x amount of seconds to type in your answer.If answered you can can type in another answer, same clock duration.  Meanwhile your can challenge them but all that does is challenges in releation to "whos gonna score the most money today".  Challenges/Games are done daily.  While 1 day you could score $1,000 the next day you could only score $200 as you didnt have much time to game with other people.  You have the ability in some games to go to what is called "Bonus Cash games", here you have like 60seconds to answer many questions with answers; you can have your friends who has installed the game help earn you more money too.