Why does Verizon terrible so much?

I kept getting notices that my bill was overdue.  I usually use my corporate credit card, and had updated it (as card was stolen) but kept getting hit with late fees.   Which I hate, particularly given that I actively monitor credit score and refuse to pay late fees... because I pay on time.

It turns out I was a digit off -- so I kept incurring late fees.  I tried to 'text chat' on here -- a service which decidedly terrible and infuriates.  It kept telling me my account was overdue.  Yeah, I know!  BTW I just paid it... which doesn't update in your system for days.  It's IRONIC that Verizon will hit you with interest fees day #1 but won't make the  equivalent investement to update it's customer support system with equal speed.  As such you get referred to a phone number.  OKay, so I call that.  They start texting me links, even though I'm calling them -- at their request -- so I click on the link.  It starts to ask for my location, and my call logs.  mess that Verizon, I'm not giving that garbage to you.  So I deny the permission.  Call gets dropped.   And so on.

As someone with 4 unlimited plans I'm formally asking you to kiss my tainty crack.  You terrible. You aren't customer friendly.  You're a miserable blood sucking corporate entity who I wouldn't wish upon my enemies -- of which there is only one: you!  I hope you "get with yourself" which means in the most biblical and physically impossible sort of way.  

Go T-mobile!  Go Hipcricket!  mess the [Verizon] man!

Re: Why does Verizon terrible so much?

You paid short, then paid late, incurring fees, you then refused to pay.  I can guarantee, At&t won’t have you with that record.  And if you think other carriers won’t charge you late fees if you pay short, your kidding yourself.