iOS - iPhone, iPad, MAC
Not applicable

Verizon Messages is also compatible with iOS devices


Select 'Get it Now' on this page Verizon Messages - Verizon Wireless

Or download from iTunes  Message+ on the App Store

To enable Sync on the iPhone:

Settings> Notifications > scroll to find VZ Messages> select VZ Messages and check the box for Allow Notifications

iMessages (blue bubbles) will not show in Verizon  Messages because these are not SMS messages.  Turn OFF iMessages to prevent  messages going to iMessages 

To Sync CONTACTS between iPhone/MAC:

To sync CONTACTS between iPhone/iPad:

To DELETE messages:

To delete a conversation from the conversation list- SWIPE Left 

To delete multiple or ALL messages:

Long press on an avatar/circle

Select 1 or more circles on the left panel 

Select DELETE for the selected conversations or SELECT ALL for all conversations 

To delete a message inside a conversation:

Open the conversation

Long press on the message bubble you want to delete

Select DELETE from the pop up

To Mark as READ One, More or ALL messages:  

Long press on an avatar/circle

Select 1 or more circles on the left panel 

Select READ for the selected conversations or SELECT ALL for all conversations 

Search Bar:

Slide the screen DOWN to reveal the search bar


Uses the same app version as the iPhone. Select 'Get it Now' on this page: Verizon Messages - Verizon Wireless

Or download from iTunes  Message+ on the App Store


Verizon Wireless customers can install Verizon Messages on their MAC from the App Store:

Message+ on the Mac App Store

Note: To prevent messages going to iMessages, the user needs to turn OFF iMessages on the MAC

Disconnecting the MAC Device from iMessages

Reasons to disconnect from iMessages:

  • You changed your primary device number
  • Messages from others are not appearing as incoming messages in your Verizon Messages

To disconnect:

1) Go to ‘Messages+

2)Select Preferences

3)Select Account
4)Select ‘Disconnect Device’


Not getting messages on all shared Apple devices?

If you are not getting all of your messages on a device, check if that iOS  device is connected to the messaging network.

  1. Go to VTEXT.COM
  2. Log in to or create your online web account
  3. Then, go to Main Menu (3bars) Settings>Manage Devices
  4. If your iOS device  is not listed in MANAGE DEVICES, please add it.
  5. If it IS listed, please detach it; Reboot,  then re-attach it.


The compatibility between Android and iOS has inherent limitations.

This help link will answer questions and resolve popular Android to/from iOS issues


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