phone dialer storage 21gb on gn8

so the hidden app phone dialer is taking up 21gb of storage.   I use message+ however, i have years of messages going back to June 2017 as this is a business phone with critical messages that can not be deleted nor do i have time to manually pick and choose what to delete.

I have seen prior posts that say to go back and delete message threads.  This is not a solution that is feasible as it would take days to go through to determine what may be important or not.

Message+ only takes up a couple gig, so if i can find a way to just delete the shared media collectively then the actual pictures are likely saved in my gallery already.   When I check the storage use for this app by month, there is also nothing used for recent months so I think it is something to do with a smart switch or a backup that may be stored on my phone more so than the pics.  

My memory card is 100% full as well as my cloud upgrades.

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