My directional buttons are doing something weird, can't change it

I have a Samsung prepaid phone, and it's been fine until now. I opened up my phone this morning to send a text message, and my directional buttons wouldn't let me scroll through my messages. Instead, all four of my directional buttons change the volume and that's it. And when I close my phone, the light on the front screen stays on.

It keeps going through this thing where it says "normal mode activated", but I'm not holding down any buttons. So I have no idea how it keeps changing itself back and forth to this mode. My middle button, the "OK" button, works totally normal but everything else around it is strange.

Another weird thing, to use the directional buttons to change the volume, I have to click each of them twice. And the volume doesn't go down, only up? Please help. I just want my phone to go back to normal. I can't go up/down/left/right in my menu and this is very frustrating.

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