Verizon MiFi streaming issue

We have a product that uses WiFi to stream low-bitrate video and audio. It works fine through our Verizon MiFi to LTE network here in NJ / NY area.
This same set up will not work at a customer location in Hazelton, PA. Although the MiFi will work fine with laptop computers connecting to the LTE (internet) using WiFi.
The protocol is UDP for our streaming and the ports in use are 8765, 8888, 8889, 8890, 8891, 8892, 8893, 8894, 8895. Not all ports are in use at all times - only one port is used for video and one port for audio, once the connection is established.
The customer's own MiFi, different account, different model, same service, will also not work in Hazelton, PA, but WILL work in NJ.

Can anyone suggest a course of action. (?)

Re: Verizon MiFi streaming issue

By the way, the MiFi I am using is a 4510L.